Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer
Over the years, Allan Hogg has held several positions of responsibility within Cascades, including Corporate Controller, Director of Finance and Treasurer, and was named Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer in 2010.
A key member of Cascades' financial management and at the center of the Corporation’s relations with its financial and investment partners, Mr. Hogg was also a director of Boralex Inc., a renewable energy sector company, and on the board of directors of Reno de Medici SpA, a recycled paperboard manufacturer based in Italy. In addition, he currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Fondation de l'Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ).
Allan Hogg holds a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Accounting and is a member of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés of Québec. He has been with Cascades for over 30 years now.