Donations and Sponsorships

Involved with some 300 organizations, Cascades builds sustainable and innovative partnerships in sustainable development, education and entrepreneurship, as well as in amateur sport and the community.


Cascades, Partner of your Small and Big Successes

The communities in which Cascades operates are at the heart of its social commitment.

Year after year, Cascades fulfills its role as a responsible citizen by aligning with environmental and social causes and by encouraging the human and economic development of the communities in one of its preferred sectors.


millions of dollars in donations and sponsorships in 2023

over 300

sponsorship partnerships

over 45%

of investments in environment and education

Plus de 150 000 boites distribuées gratuitement

Depuis le début de la pandémie, Cascades a remis plus de 150 000 boites à des organismes qui œuvrent principalement dans le dépannage alimentaire. Ces boites ont permis de répondre à la demande accrue des organismes et ainsi de nourrir des dizaines de milliers de familles qui ont été fragilisées par les circonstances.

En savoir plus

Cascades’ Eco-friendly fundraising program

Selling Cascades Fluff & Tuff® Enviro products is an eco-friendly way to raise money for your activities.When you choose our fundraising program, you’ll be able to meet your objectives in a way that is in line with your values and the environment.

Learn more

donations sponsorships cascades boxes pandemic covid19

Cascades supports many organizations during the holiday season

Every year, Cascades contributes as a responsible corporate citizen to the economic and social development of the communities in which it operates. In 2023, the company donated more than 34,000 boxes to 20 organizations working primarily in food distribution.

Learn more

Fondation Charles-Bruneau

For nearly 20 years, the Cascaders have been riding for sick children by participating in the CIBC Charles-Bruneau Tour. A number of fundraising activities are organized by the Cascades units in Quebec to raise funds annually.

Learn more    

Centraide Centre-du-Québec

Year after year, Cascades employees go the extra mile to raise the funds Centraide Centre-du-Québec deserves.

Our campaign (French only)

David Suzuki Foundation

For nearly 10 years, Cascades signed a new partnership agreement with the David Suzuki Foundation, a key player in the sustainable development sector. Its mission : to protect nature’s diversity and the well-being of all life, now and for the future.

Our partnership


Since 2015, Cascades is an official partner of PurNat, an organization that operates a cleaning service for illegal dumpsites in Canada.

Our cleaning operations

Fondation Aléo

SInce many years, Cascades has been working closely with the ALÉO Foundation to provide financial support for Quebec athletes and help them develop their full academic and sporting potential.

Learn more    

Forces Avenir

Cascades celebrates more than then years of partnership with Forces Avenir, an organization that recognizes young people’s dedication and involvement in community projects. Each year, Cascades awards the Environment AVENIR scholarship to a student or group of students who have distinguished themselves in carrying out an environmental project.


Learn more    

Selection Criteria

Preferred Sectors

Cascades supports a variety of projects and events that fall under one of the following preferred sectors:

  • Sustainable Development;
  • Education and entrepreneurship;
  • Amateur sport and physical activity in general;
  • Socio-community setting.

Environmental Awareness

The applicant must demonstrate an interest in an environmental cause and propose a series of measures to use for furthering this cause.

Local Communities and Target Clients

In choosing its investments, Cascades is aware of its contribution to the communities in which it works and supports its employees. Moreover, each investment—in the form of a donation or sponsorship—must provide Cascades with a certain amount of visibility with at least one of its target clienteles.


Cascades recognizes that all causes and all projects have valid reasons for being, and can be of interest to specific groups. For this reason, Cascades cannot support the following types of applications:

  • Supports only one person (unless these people are specific athletes supported by Cascades);
  • Not in line with Cascades' values;
  • Involves ticket sales by Cascades employees;
  • Originates in regions where Cascades does not work;
  • Submitted less than two months before the event is to be held;
  • Submitted as circular letters;
  • Supports political or lobby groups;
  • Supports professional sports teams.

Submit a Request

All sponsorship applications are carefully reviewed by our decision-making committee. All those making requests will receive a response, whether positive or negative. However, an eight-week period must be allowed between receiving the application and receiving an answer.

Cascades is trying to fulfill as many requests as possible within the limits of available budgets and corporate priorities regarding social commitment. Although your project falls within one of our preferred sectors and meets the selection criteria for donations and sponsorships, it may not be accepted. Thank you for your understanding and interest in Cascades.