With the growing interest in environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, Cascades can count on solid internal governance in its business processes and in terms of accountability.
Cascades can rely on key resources and seasoned teams of experts for each of the objectives in its Sustainable Development Plan. These people and teams work with Operations to roll out the action plans and reach the targets we set. The company’s Sustainable Development team supports these resources, tracks progress closely, and communicates results to the various stakeholders concerned.
All of the objectives of the Cascades Sustainable Development Plan are the responsibility of an employee on the company’s Management Committee or who reports directly to a member of this committee.
Monitoring and Reporting Mechanisms
With this new sustainable development plan, Cascades reaffirms the strength of its governance structure and processes, which enable it to effectively manage existing and emerging ESG issues. One or more individuals were appointed for each objective in this plan and made accountable for its achievement. This accountability is based on the inclusion of targets in the annual objectives of the people involved and their team members.
Risk management
Our teams actively incorporate priority ESG issues into Cascades’ risk assessment and management processes. Environmental impact and climate change risks are, for example, formally included in the matrix assessment of the company’s risk management program. They are also subject to regular review.
Transparency and reporting
In the age of transparency, Cascades can also count on 25 years of experience in non-financial reporting and takes a proactive approach in this area. The company annually discloses its results based on standards, such as those set by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, and reports directly to relevant rating programs and agencies (e.g. CDP, MSCI, Sustainalytics and Vigeo Eiris). As the ESG reporting landscape changes rapidly, our internal teams continually review the prioritization of standards and programs for reporting.

Consulting our Stakeholders
Cascades greatly values its stakeholders’ opinions in establishing the priorities of its sustainable development approach.
Building on Policies
Cascades has clear policies that guide and detail its commitment to generating positive impacts for the planet and its communities.
Message from management
At Cascades, our sustainable development efforts are solidly supported by our leaders.