Technical Expert
What is your training?
Some will think I don’t understand things quickly, given all my years in university, but the real reason is that I really like to learn and understand how things work. So, in order, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, a Master’s in Physics, a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and, finally, a Ph.D. in Chemistry, all from the Université de Sherbrooke.
What is your current job title at Cascades?
I am Technical Expert at the Cascades Innovation Center, which brings me to work closely with the Group's innovation people to develop new products. To give a familiar example in Cascades, I helped with the Innovation team of the Specialty Products Group and the Research Center (CS+) to develop the insulating properties of the Nothbox. So understanding how to insulate a Honeycomb panel was part of my role!
What has your career path been with Cascades?
I started on January 3, 2000 at the Research and Development Centre (RDC) as a chemist. Then I was Director of the Norampac Technical Development Centre in Mississauga from 2003 to 2007. I then returned to Kingsey Falls as Supervisor of the Products Group at the RDC until 2013, and I have been a Materials Specialist until 2016. Since that, I am in my current position in Innovation.
You have travelled because of your work. How was this experience?
We spent four-and-a-half years in Mississauga, Ontario, and I consider this was the greatest experience I have ever been offered, both at work and personally (after my honeymoon trip, of course). A rewarding experience, on several levels, if only for the children, who are now perfectly bilingual, or for discovering and adapting to other cultures… we broadened our horizons! Obviously there was a lot of teamwork in this adventure and I’m lucky to have a tremendous wife, Sophie, without whom all this would not have been possible.
What is your proudest achievement?
It may sounds cliché, but I'm really proud of my children. Professionally, after 20 years as Cascadeur, I humbly believe that I continue to contribute to the future of Cascades.
What are your passions?
Biking is really a moment of relaxation for me, even when I’m climbing an endless hill, it’s always a renewed pleasure. I’d really like to tour some European countries by bike, or the Southern United States, but this is still in the planning stage. I also like jogging, trekking, Alpine skiing, or kayaking on a beautiful lake.
You’re interested in astronomy. Can you tell us a little more?
My favour bedside reading is a book on astrophysics. It’s reflexive – on any starry night, or early in the morning, I raise my head, I look at the stars of my favourite constellations, depending on the season, and then I go back inside. From May to October, I like to point one of my telescopes (Maksutov (5’’) et Dobsonian (8’’)) at a beautiful starry sky, look at Saturn’s rings, the red spot on Jupiter, a mass of stars in Hercules…first to have the satisfaction of finding the celestial object in question, without GPS, of course!
If you had to describe Cascades in 3 words, what would they be?
Human, opportunity and respect. In order or at random.
Since most of our Cascaders are ecologically-minded, but nobody is perfect… What is your environmental confession?
I confess that even though I live in Kingsey Falls, a few minutes’ walk from the office, I sometimes take my car to work, and I like it.