Chief of Strategy and Legal Affairs
A native of Sherbrooke (Québec) and residing in the beautiful Eastern Townships, Robert divides his time between his professional career, horseback riding, alpine sking, and spending time with his beloved family.
Chief of Strategy and Legal Affairs of Cascades for more than 30 years, Robert is part of Cascades' Senior Management team playing a key-role in managing legal affaires and strategic development. Since June 2022, he has also been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Goodfellow Inc. , a Quebec based company specializing in the manufacture of value added wood products and the distribution of building materials.
Outdoor passionate, this active gentleman does not hesitate to get involved in different causes that are close to his heart such as The Mackay Foundation, Tour CIBC Charles-Bruneau and Blue Massawippi Project, dedicated for the protection of the Lake Massawippi and its watershed.