L’unique barquette en carton recyclable faite à 100% de fibres recyclées pour les fruits et légumes

The unique recyclable cardboard tray made from 100% recycled fibres for produce.

Cascades shows its leadership in sustainable packaging with its latest innovation
Made in Quebec, this thermoformed tray delivers a unique innovative food packaging solution that was developed entirely using a circular economy approach and ecodesign principles. The tray is composed of 100% recycled fibres, mostly sourced from post-consumer sources certified "Recycled" under the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) standard.
(FSC® license number C002973)
* The tray may not be recyclable in some areas. Please check with your municipality
Our cardboard tray comes with 3 different moisture barriers
The cardboard tray
✓ Recycled
This recyclable tray made of 100% recycled fibres is also compostable. It also allows your fruits and vegetables with peel to be preserved in optimal conditions.
The cardboard tray with
moisture barrier
The cardboard tray has a recyclable and waterproof HDPE barrier, ideal in humid environments. It will preserve keep your fruits and vegetables fresh, by keeping its rigidity and breathability. The perfect solution when compostability is not a priority.
The cardboard tray with moisture barrier SurfSHIELDTM
This patented SurfSHIELDMC water-based coating meets the specific needs of the produce market, as it allows the cardboard to be moisture resistant while remaining recyclable, compostable and offers optimal rigidity.
Découvrez notre offre étendue et polyvalente
Cascades affirme son leadership en emballages écoconçus avec sa plus récente innovation.
Fabriquée au Québec, cette barquette thermoformée et recyclable* est une solution unique et innovante d'emballage alimentaire développée dans une logique d'économie circulaire, selon les principes de l'écoconception. La barquette est composée de fibres 100 % recyclées majoritairement de source postconsommation, certifiées « Recyclé » selon la norme du Forest Stewardship Council®
(FSC® Numéro de licence C002973)
* La barquette peut ne pas être recyclable dans certaines régions. Veuillez vérifier auprès de votre municipalité.
Understanding the environmental impact of our tray
You make a difference by using our cardboard tray with the SurfSHIELDTM water-based moisture barrier, compared to virgin wooden based molded pulp
The quantity of greenhouse gas emissions avoided is equivalent to 34 cars travelling the distance between NYC and Los Angeles
Less non-renewable resources are extracted, equivalent to 49 barrels of oil.
* Source : Life Cycle Assessment of Cascades trays, Groupe AGECO, Montreal, February 2023
Scenario : 1 000 000 virgin wooden molded pulp trays replaced with 100% recycled cardboard trays with SurfSHIELDTM water-based moisture barrier; similar size #3
* Source : CASCADES Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV), Groupe AGÉCO, Février 2023.
Scénario : 1 000 000 de barquettes de pâte moulée à base de bois vierge remplacées par nos barquettes de carton 100% recyclé.
Sustainably designed
- Made from 100% recycled fibres
- How2recycle® has pre-qualified (1) this tray as widely recyclable in Canada and the United States if clean and dry
- Certified FSC® according to Forest Stewardship Council®
- CMA compostability certification (2)
- Cascades confirms that BPA and PFAS are not intentionally added to our cardboard tray
- Food-contact compliant under U.S. FDA and health Canada provisions (3)
- Proudly made in Canada, Quebec
(1) The pre-qualification is for the tray only. The final recyclability designation may be influenced by product application, final package design, and other factors.
(2)This product is suitable for industrial and municipal composting facilities, not for home composting. Please check locally, facilities may not exist in your area.
(3)When used in accordance with 21 CFR 176.170 of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations under Conditions of use C-G. area.
Optimized operations
This tray sets itself apart by using thermoforming, which gives it an optimal design for automated food packaging without compromising on equipment performance. It is on the leading edge of the food market with its design combining efficiency and respect for resources.
- Rigidity rigorously tested in a refrigerated environment
- Compatible with automatic unstacking
- Funtional on high-speed equipments
- Pliable edge compatible with stretch shrink films
Choose our corrugated boxes to transport your cardboard trays the entire length of your supply chain, ensuring that your produce reaches its destination in perfect condition.
The brown tray, but greenTM
Discover our sustainable packaging solution for produce made from 100% recycled fibres. This tray preserves your fresh food while caring for the planet thanks to its rigorous eco-design. Contrary to its shape, this tray does not turn any corners.
A cardboard tray that contributes to the circular economy
See how our cardboard tray contributes to the circular economy.
Contact us
Contact us to learn more or receive a quote.